Meet Sugru, the world first mouldable glue that turns into rubber. You know those little daily things that annoy you? For me it was the cable of the slow cooker falling into my face every time I moved it off the shelf. The way I’d knock the lead out of the back of the laptop every time I moved it …
Winning at Winter – make it clutter free, frugal, thrifty and fun
I’ve been working on a gorgeous collaboration with upcycling expert Vicky Myers and the very clever Claire Lyons who is the frugal family expert. Between us we have come up with a solution to make winter fun, frugal and environmentally friendly too. It is a workbook full of things you can do to make four winter weeks much better. Winning …
How to use up all those carrots!
Carrots are either in season or almost always available heavily reduced. It is hard to resist a kilo of good food for 20p so here are some ideas for using up all those carrots. This post was written with lots of help from Sarah, Laura, Rachel, Anna, Jacquie, Madeline, Christine, Bróna, Susan and Frances from the less-stuff Facebook group. Raw: …
Zero waste Valentines without the clutter or crap
Valentines day is getting out of hand. From light up plastic roses to teddy bears with heart shaped balloons. Do you really need or want any of that? Do you know anyone who would like these throwaway gifts for more than a week at most? In collaboration with Vicky from Vicky Myers Creations this post has some ideas for Valentines …
Feel the fear and draw in that nice new sketchbook
I don’t like or enjoy drawing. So, although I’m a professional designer in my day job I still feel a deep anxiety when I need to draw something. Despite my hatred of putting pencil to paper, I love new sketchbooks. My gut reaction with a new sketchbook is to hoard it away because it feels too good to use. This …
Writing a personal manifesto instead of making resolutions
The end of the year is nigh. Before the new year I want to reflect on this one, learn from my mistakes and celebrate things that have gone well. Next year brings some exciting changes – I’ve been accepted on a MA Design postgraduate course starting in September. It will take me 3 years part time and I could possibly …
Making Christmas easier this year and next
Christmas, which is meant to be a time of giving and gratitude can easily end up being really stressful instead. Lovely Dawn from the less-stuff Facebook group came up with the idea of a list of strategies to help cope with this Christmas, while preparing for the next. This post is written with help from Dawn, Anna, Toets, Su, Esther, …
Adventures with Family Cloth (washable loo roll)
‘Family Cloth’ is a rather twee way of saying ‘washable rags you wipe your bum with’. Bumbaclot is a Jamaican insult but it describes these bum cloths perfectly. Warning – this post is a bit gross! How does it work? You can use a dry cloth to wipe when you wee and you can wet the cloth to wipe when …
Gifts that keep on giving and are not clutter
We all have friends and relatives that have everything they need. Christmas and birthdays get harder and harder but instead of scraping the barrel of novelty presents that will end up in the nearest charity shop, why not give something more lasting. I’ve collaborated with The Frugal Family to bring you ten ideas for gifts that keep on giving. Here …
How to choose the perfect notebook
At the start of each new year I begin a new journal in a notebook. I’m not restrictive about what goes in it, although it generally holds lists of things to do for work and notes from meetings. I sometimes scribble down recipes, ideas or just doodle in it. My journal goes with me everywhere and choosing the new one …
Stop food waste with a menu planning chalkboard (tutorial)
This summer I spent a lot of time scraping off chip paper, replacing it with smooth paper and creating an office space I want to work in. On my office walls I have 2 long strips of chalkboard in an amazing blue colour. I bought a big tin of special chalkboard paint thinking I’d need to use loads of it …
Using up my hoarded stash of fabric, yarn and craft materials.
I was taught by my war time granny to keep hold of things just in case, which is why I now have fabric that I have held onto for at least 20 years in my cupboards. I also have ends of yarn in various weights and a wide selection of craft materials. I come from a long line of make …