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Try these alternatives to social media


Here are some ideas for different things to do today to keep you away from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

Just for a change!

Something to do

Cook something different with very few ingredients.

34 Insanely Simple Two Ingredient Recipes has some ideas that are sheer genius. Do you have peanut butter and bananas? You could have Peanut Butter Banana Ice Cream for pudding!

Something relaxing

The Quiet Place helps you recharge in just 90 seconds. Treat yourself to a minute and a half of doing nothing. It’s harder than I thought it would be.

Something funny


Connect with someone

Random acts of Kindness. From holding the door open for someone to giving  flowers for no reason other than it’s a beautiful day. Random acts of kindness make you feel fantastic and there are so many ways to do them that don’t involve money or even much time. There is a searchable list of kindness ideas here if you are stuck.

Something to play

Orisinal has a whole selection of rather beautiful and relaxing games. Try a Pocket full of Stars for sheer sweetness.

Something amazing –

An abandoned island in New York

Get outside –

What do you know about clouds? The Met Office have this identification guide and a video that tells you all about them.